Main Title: Toshoshitsu no Kanojo: Seiso na Kimi ga Ochiru made The Animation
Official Title: 図書室ノ彼女~清楚ナ君ガ堕チルマデ~ THE ANIMATION
Official Title: 도서실 그녀 ~청초한 네가 타락할 때까지~
Synonym: The Girl in the Library ~Until the Pure You Falls from Grace~
Type: OVA, 4 episodes
Year: 30.10.2020 until 30.07.2021
Season: Autumn 2020
Original Work: Ame Arare
Direction: Kuramori Rokurou, 揉蔵
Animation Work: Seven
The main character of the hentai girl is the head of the student Council named Yukihara Serizawa. She is a real idol in the Academy. All teachers and students love and respect her. However, not all-a dirty, dissolute old janitor named Kito-San has long put his lustful eye on the young beauty. Soon, he devised an incredibly simple plan and lured Hikaru-Chan to his den. Then he talked her out of her mouth and gave her a sleeping pill that was mixed into the cocktail. When the girl was completely asleep, Kito-San shivered and took off his blouse, and then his bra, and found a huge elastic breast of the fifth size of the perfect shape with swollen papillae from excitement. Seeing such a depraved spectacle, our hero just flew off the rails…