Main Title: Korashime 2: Kyouikuteki Depaga Shidou
Official Title: 懲らしめ2 狂育的デパガ指導
Synonym: 징계2~광육적 백화점 여직원 지도
Type: OVA, unknown number of episodes
Year: 30.09.2022 until ?
Season: Autumn 2022
Tags: 18 restricted, erotic game, game, nudity, sex
Original Work: Blue Gale
Character Design: Kinohara Hikaru
Animation Work: PoRO
Animation studio Pro has announced a hentai anime adaptation of the visual novel “Korashime 2 ~Kyouikuteki Depaga Shidou~” from Blue Gale Studio. The release is scheduled for the end of September 2022.
Manabu Tadokoro is a young man who takes his work very seriously. As a result, he has managed to climb further and further up the career ladder and is now the assistant manager of a company. The problem is that he is very strict, which does not suit his female colleagues at all. Their solution: they accuse him of sexually harassing them. Therefore, he is dismissed. But when he finds out it was all planned and who was behind it, he decides to take revenge.