‘Notto Sexaroid Eurie!’ Reveals Its First Look
Magin Label didn’t fall behind and also released preview images of Notto Sexaroid Eurie!, their new animated series set to debut on April 25. You can check out all the images here:
Well, guys, it looks like this new hentai will have a bit of comedy. Even though the main heroine is the robot girl, I’m already looking forward to seeing the nerdy girl get fucked.
We’ll be eagerly waiting for them to release the trailer!
The only hope to defeat the monsters lies in artificially modified girls. Thanks to one of them, the modified girl Makina, the primordial monster was defeated, and no new monsters are being born. However, numerous remnants of monstrous creatures still linger in the world.
In the city of Tengetsu, where monster activity remains particularly high, the newly developed modified girl Eurie is sent as reinforcements. Excited for her first mission, Eurie arrives in the city full of enthusiasm and determination.
“I’m Eurie, the artificially modified girl! I’ll protect the peace of this city!”
However, Tengetsu’s security is in shambles. Despite her intentions to protect the city, the residents waste no time harassing her shamelessly: groping her breasts, touching her butt, and subjecting her to endless sexual harassment.
What’s happening in this city?
Eurie became a modified girl to protect peace, but…
“Huh? Wha—what’s going on?”
“Why are the residents groping my breasts?”