Main Title: Takarasagashi no Natsuyasumi
Official Title: たからさがしのなつやすみ
Synonym: The Summer Vacation Treasure Hunt, Летние каникулы, 여름방학 보물찾기
Type: Web, unknown number of episodes
Year: 01.02.2014 until ?
Season: Winter 2013/14
Work: さんどいっちわーくす
“Takarasagashi no Natsuyasumi” is a captivating hentai web series brought to life by Sandwich Works, featuring stunning 3DCG animation. Launched in the winter of 2013/14, this ongoing tale invites viewers into a nostalgic countryside summer, blending youthful curiosity with sensual encounters that unfold across through the episodes.
Set in a remote rural village, the series follows a young boy whose summer vacation transforms into an unforgettable journey of discovery. From secret hideouts to chance meetings with an enchanting older woman, his days brim with adventure and escalating intimacy. As their relationship deepens, each episode layers tender nostalgia with steamy passion, crafting a treasure trove of memories that defy the simplicity of his sleepy hometown.