Namaiki na Seito wa Sai ● de Wakaraseru Gurai ga Choudo Ii – Motion Comic Ban
生意気な生徒は催●でわからせるぐらいがちょうどいい モーションコミック版 / Namaiki na Seito wa Sai ● de Wakaraseru Gurai ga Choudo Ii – Motion Comic Ban
From the creative minds at Lyric Box and brought to life by survive, this 2022 motion comic adapts a popular CG collection into a dynamic, voice-acted hentai experience.
A smug student flaunts her power over her teacher, flashing her underwear and threatening to ruin his life with a single rumor. Unfazed, he employs hypnosis to flip their dynamic, bending her will to his desires. From altering her perception of normalcy to forcing her body into humiliating acts while she remains aware, the teacher explores a range of hypnotic commands—absolute obedience, forced arousal, and even orgasm denial. As her defiance crumbles, this motion comic delivers a mix of psychological domination and explicit encounters, culminating in a twisted lesson she won’t forget.