Main Title: Mahou Shoujo Noble Rose The Animation
Official Title: 魔法少女ノーブル・ローズ THE ANIMATION
Synonym: Magical Girl Noble Rose, 마법소녀 노블로즈
Type: OVA, 2 episodes
Year: 14.07.2023 until 15.09.2023
Season: Summer 2023
Original Work: Hashioto Ranki
Direction: Araki Hideki
Character Design: Araki Hideki
Music: Y-ASU
Work: Anime Antenna Iinkai
Based on the original game by NoFuture, this OVA series brings the dark fantasy tale of a magical girl to life. The story follows a young heroine who transforms into a magical girl to protect her loved ones, only to face relentless trials from sinister forces that test her resolve and innocence.
- Episode 1: The magical girl is drawn into a desperate struggle against an otherworldly enemy. Despite her determination, she becomes ensnared by the enemy’s cruel and inescapable grasp.
- Episode 2: The challenges intensify as manipulated classmates and monstrous adversaries subject her to relentless torment, pushing her to her limits in her fight for survival.
This series explores themes of sacrifice and endurance, set against a dark and perilous backdrop. For mature audiences only.
魔法少女ノーブルローズ THE ANIMATION, Mahou Shoujo Noble Rose The Animation, Mahou Shoujo No- Buru Ro-Zu The ANIMATION