Main Title: Tanetsuke Ojisan to Papakko JD Saimin Seikatsu The Animation
Official Title: 種付おじさんとパパっ子JD催眠生活 The Animation
Type: OVA
Year: 29.09.2023
Season: Autumn 2023
Original Work: Kirintei
Based on the popular doujinshi series Tanetsuke Ojisan by the circle “Kirintei,” this anime adaptation explores themes of hypnosis and hidden desires.
The story follows Karen Shiratsume, a cheerful and affectionate college student with a deep admiration for her father since childhood. However, her world takes an unexpected turn when hypnosis is used to manipulate her perceptions, drawing her into a series of intense and transformative experiences.
With a blend of compelling visuals and a provocative narrative, this anime delves into the dynamics of control and the unraveling of personal boundaries. Fans of the original series will recognize the signature style and dramatic storytelling that bring this unique tale to life.
種付おじさんとパパっ子JD催眠生活 The Animation, Tanetsuke Oji-san to Papakko JD Saimin Seikatsu The Animation