Main Title: OVA Tsuma ni Damatte Sokubaikai ni Ikun ja Nakatta
Official Title: OVA 妻に黙って即売会に行くんじゃなかった
Type: OVA, 2 episodes
Year: 06.10.2023
Season: Autumn 2023
Original Work: Minamoto
Direction: Raika Ken
Work: T-Rex
Tsuma ni Damatte Sokubaikai ni Ikun ja Nakatta is a dramatic and emotionally charged OVA adaptation of the adult manga by Minamoto, known for their vivid artistry and compelling storytelling. The series explores themes of secrecy, desire, and marital tension, set against a backdrop of misunderstandings and unspoken needs.
The story follows Yumiko, a devoted wife who begins to uncover surprising truths about her husband during his frequent “business trips.” Discovering his hidden stash of explicit doujinshi, Yumiko finds herself drawn into a world of suppressed fantasies and escalating temptations. As her loneliness and curiosity grow, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery, which leads to encounters that test her boundaries and challenge her perceptions of loyalty and fulfillment.
With vivid animation and a focus on complex emotional dynamics, Tsuma ni Damatte Sokubaikai ni Ikun ja Nakatta delivers a captivating narrative about the fragility of trust, the allure of forbidden desires, and the unexpected consequences of suppressed emotions. Fans of character-driven adult dramas will find this series both provocative and thought-provoking.
妻に黙って即売会に行くんじゃなかった, Tsuma ni Damatte Sokubaikai ni Ikun ja Nakatta, OVA 妻に黙って即売会に行くんじゃなかった, OVA Tsuma ni Damatte Sokubaikai ni Ikun ja Nakatta