Main Title: Okusama no Kaifukujutsu The Animation
Official Title: 奥さまの回復術 THE ANIMATION
Synonym: A Housewife‘s Healing Touch
Type: OVA, unknown number of episodes
Year: 28.07.2023 until ?
Season: Summer 2023
Original Work: Alice Soft
Direction: Tatsumi
Character Design: Tatsumi
Chief Animation Direction: Tatsumi
Animation Work: SevenLeave the naughty treatment to your wife!
In a small village on the country border, Rui and her partner have their practice. Here she treats mana problems of all kinds, mostly related to sexual dissatisfaction. Rui is known far and wide for her enormous talent, which means she has no shortage of customers.
The shy adventurer Shion has never had sexual intercourse in his life, which is why he cannot control his mana properly. Rui helps him out of his predicament, but she takes a liking to him in the process, and since he has been abstinent for an incredibly long time, once will probably not be enough to cure him completely … .
奥さまの回復術 THE ANIMATION, Okusama no Kaifuku Jutsu The Animation, A Housewife’s Healing Touch