Main Title: Tanetsuke Ojisan to NTR Hitozuma Sex The Animation
Official Title: 種付おじさんとNTR人妻セックス The Animation
Type: OVA
Year: 28.07.2023
Season: Summer 2023
Original Work: Kirintei
Tanetsuke Ojisan to NTR Hitozuma Sex The Animation (種付おじさんとNTR人妻セックス The Animation) is an adult-oriented anime (Hentai) that explores themes of infidelity, seduction, and taboo relationships. The story centers around mature themes, focusing on an older man who becomes entangled with married women, leading to explicit and controversial encounters. Known for its provocative narrative and graphic content, this anime caters to a mature audience seeking intense and dramatic storylines intertwined with sensual scenes.
One day, lonely housewife Kasumi is dragged by her perverted neighbour into his squalid flat, where he shows her a photo of the sexual activities of her family members. Because her husband prefers to sleep with their daughter instead of devoting himself to his wife’s feelings and desires. Kasumi just wants to forget it all and escape from this cruel world, while the overweight neighbour uses the opportunity to pressure her into sexual acts with him …
種付おじさんとNTR人妻セックス The Animation, Tanetsuke Oji-san to NTR Hitozuma Sex The Animation, Uncle Seeding and NTR Married Woman Sex The Animation